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Monday, September 13, 2010

The Rebel Alliance: Ole Miss Pursuit of a Sideline Mascot

Just when you thought SEC country couldn't get any crazier, one school decided to ante up and turn their institution on its head. Summoning what many would consider a combination of the force, creativity, too much Red Bull and a desire to to challenge the status quo, students at the University of Mississippi decided to field a Rebel Alliance of its own. With Ole Miss looking to field its first on field collegiate mascot since it dismissed it's former mascot Colonel Reb in 2003, the university set out in search of the student voice to fill the void left by the Colonel. Their goal, come up with an interesting idea for an on field mascot that would best represent the Ole Miss Rebels on Gameday! The result, a grassroots marketing campaign centered around Star Wars character and Mon Calamari Admiral Ackbar that spread like wildfire via on campus fliers, demonstrations, billboards, radio broadcasts and the creation of a now defunct website,, to spearhead the campaign. While most at Ole Miss were not receptive to adopting Return of the Jedi’s Admiral Ackbar, the squid-like war hero who led the Rebel Alliance to victory at the Battle of Endor as the university’s official sports mascot, the creativity involved is what ultimately stood out in my mind. The fact that these students could come together and round up some 14,000 followers and take steps towards becoming a legitimate threat is impressive. As a graduate student interested in Social Media Marketing this is a great example how the coordinated use of creativity, collective thought and Social Networking can aid in spearheading a grassroots marketing campaign, in this case for a new college mascot. So much so that ESPN even decided to air a one minute short film, as they so often do, in order to draw awareness to the cause and support the groups failed efforts. Highlighting the movement in all its glory, the film was packed with ESPN's trademark slapstick comedic touch, on campus interviews and footage. The fact that these students had such a foothold on the campaign that Ole Miss students and their parents had optioned to transfer schools proves yet again that a small group of like minded, spirited and creative students can challenge "the system" or "the status quo" and instill a sense of pride and camradarie in those that choose to follow or listen. "It not crazy, it's sports...and we ALL love us some STAR WARS! - Click on: Rebel Alliance: Ole Miss Pursuit of a Sideline Mascot for ESPN Clip

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