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Friday, September 17, 2010

Football Friday: Head Injuries in Practice - How Exercise Science and Sports Co-exist

With research on head injuries being the topic of conversation this week in football I was able to track down, with the help of my roommate, a supplemental article on the relationship and occurrence of practice induced head injuries and how Exercise Science is being applied to learn about the severity, biomechanics and physiology of prolonged play in contact sports. Utilizing data collection and assessment techniques through the Head Impact Telemetry System, in which accelerometers inside players’ helmets measure the linear and rotational forces acting on the skull, researchers at three major Division I universities have begun testing the reaction forces to such aggressive contact and the consequences of such frequent exposure to these situations. The article also suggests recommendations for the establishment of sport and practice specific guidelines condescend to training and drills across all levels of football. It also points out that such changes are more than likely to flow from the upper ranks first, that being the NFL, and trickle through the collegiate, high school and amateur ranks in an attempt to improve practice conditions. “I think there absolutely should be some regulation or extremely strong guidance as to how much we hit young men in the head,” said Chris Nowinski, a former Harvard lineman and a co-founder of the Sports Legacy Institute to pursue research into head injuries in sports. “Brain trauma is not correlated to success in football. We should reinvent how we practice — I know from having played that there were other ways to become a good player that didn't involve the drills that created repetitive brain trauma.” For further analysis of the article I invite you to take a look by clicking on the title of this post: Head Injuries in Practice - How Exercise Science and Sports Co-exist or check out the study later this month in the Journal of Athletic Training (Will Post). The study was sponsored by the National Institutes of Health.

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